Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Preparing for an Incident.

When talking incident response the standard process that is followed in handling an
incident is outlined in the following stages:

  • Preparation
  • Identification
  • Containment
  • Eradication
  • Recovery

Preparation is not only the first phase but it is the most crucial phase. Preparation determines
the effectiveness of your incident response capabilities.  In practice, preparation is not only the
first step but its essence is also woven throughout the entire process. Preparation is also the
phase where implicit critical functions of effective incident handling are explicitly stated. Proper
preparation will dictate the maturity of your incident response team and its business impact can
be quantifiably measured.  

The focal points of preparation are:

  • Policy
  • Responsibilities
  • Communication
  • Tools
  • Training


In order for an incident response plan to be effective the very first step is to obtain backing from the top
of the organization. This backing will insure that the organization as a whole will support the incident
response plan and provide the necessary time and resources to maximize its ability to be successful.
Executive support initially manifests itself in the form of policy that is signed off by the organization’s
leadership. A good policy protects the mission of the incident response team by giving it the necessary
authority to accomplish it. The policy provides a written set of principles, rules, or practices that dictates
how the organization will respond to an incident.

Defining the policy can be a daunting process due to there being many realms in information security that
could be impacted by an incident. Acceptable use, employee termination, data archival, access control,
and password management are just a small sample of how the tentacles of incident response my spread.
The policy can impact multiple departments that may have competing needs due to their own individual
mandates. Creating an overarching policy that that meets legal, regulatory, and operational requirements
may take a significant investment in time and resources. But it is a necessary step in order to understand
how the entire organization functions to help facilitate implementing an effective incident response team.


The process of creating a policy begins to draw into focus the different roles that will be needed to
support the incident response process. Traditional incident roles such as a security manager and analysts
tend to be clear. Cross functional support from other departments is integral to the success of the team’s
ability to remediate incidents. These departments navigate the ramifications of the incident around legal,
compliance, and public relations concerns.

The identified roles should have their responsibility explicitly defined for the incident response process.
The roles will have different responsibilities depending on which phase of the incident response process
the organization is currently executing.  


The analysis that is conducted throughout policy development helps facilitate defining the communication
channels and processes that should occur during an incident. One of the common missteps that occur
during development of an incident response plan is neglecting to identify a key stakeholder in the handling
of an incident.

Laws and regulations may dictate the outside entities that your organization must communicate with in
the event of an incident. The communication plan should identify those entities and define the procedures
of notification. Special attention should be paid to vendors, customers and service providers when
developing a plan.

The communication plan should also set clear guidelines for when to involve law enforcement and who
will coordinate between the organization and agencies. The primary reason why a security incident does
not lead to criminal charges is that the organization did not handle the incident and communication with
law enforcement correctly. The person(s) designated as the lead contact should communicate with law
enforcement in clear and consistent manner that corresponds to the procedures defined by the
organization and law enforcement.


A key component of the policy creation process is defining the capabilities of the incident response team.
Clearly defining the responsibilities of your incident response team is integral in setting the organization
up for success. Some services may be handled internally while others may be outsourced.  The tools that
are implemented are designed to be in line with defined capabilities.

Each phase of the incident response plan will have tools associated with it. The detection and analysis
phase will have tools to streamline incident reporting, capture network traffic, and conduct behavioral
analysis. Incident containment and recovery phase will have tools to limit network/system access and
facilitate restoration of services within the defined recovery time windows. Post incident tools can be used
to update organization’s threat intelligence and update knowledge base.


Once the tools and procedures have been defined, all staff that is to be involved in the incident response
process will need to be trained regularly. Training can take shape in many different forms. The key is to
make the training relevant and encompassing of different scenarios. Tabletop exercises that involve all
of the relevant departments is one of the most effective ways to fine tune the incident response process.
A tabletop exercise is a simulated exercise where participants gather to discuss incident processes. It
provides flexibility that is difficult to obtain with live exercises and is inclusive to all the roles within the
organization.  Tabletop exercises allow for the organization to identify gaps that may exist. They also
allow an organization to apply lessons learned in a controlled environment.

Regular practice allows for your company to perform at maximum efficiency during a live incident.

A popular Sun Tzu quote is “know yourself and you will win all battles.” Knowing yourself comes with
extreme care being taken during the preparation phase and conducting deliberate practice to discover
weaknesses. A mature and effective incident response team is not created via a canned technological
solution or any other magic bullet. They are built with meticulous attention paid to preparing to execute
the detection, containment, and post incident activities.   

Computer Security Incident Handling Guide https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-61r2.pdf